School Meals
We now have the facility for you to pay for your child's dinners online - in bulk or individually. Follow the link and enter the school name. There are a few simple steps to follow. The system will automatically calculate the total based on the number of dinners you select (£2.58 each). We will be notified the following day.
Click HERE to view the current menu.
Healthy balanced meals are prepared on the premises.
All children that fall into the criteria set by the Central Government are entitled to a free school meal. This will be treated with the upmost discretion by Kingsfleet Primary School and enables the children to benefit from a balanced hot meal every day if they wish. Claiming not only means you could save up to £400 per year on food costs, but also achieves £900 for the school per child. This additional school funding helps support further activities for children on lower household income.
APPLY for free school meals.
Click here to get the most recent criteria and download an application form. If you are unclear or have any questions please call the School Office or Southern Area Education Office (Ipswich) 01473 260989.
Healthy Eating resources
Nutritionist Resource - sections on: diets for children; lunchbox ideas; fussy eaters and healthy eating for kids.
Eat Move Learn is part of the World Cancer Research Funds UK's education programmes. This website provides information for children and advice for parents on healthier eating.