Modern Foreign Languages teaching focuses on enabling children to make substantial progress in one language. At Kingsfleet, we teach French.
First and foremost, learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful, rich, melodious language.
French is the international language of cooking, fashion, theatre, the visual arts and architecture.
French is a good base for learning other languages - setting foundations that equip our children to study and work in other countries.
At Kingsfleet, our intention is to inspire all pupils to develop a love of languages and to expand their horizons to other countries, cultures and people. We aim to help all children to grow into curious, confident and reflective learners and to provide them with a foundation that will equip them for further language studies.
Part of our whole-school intent involves the development of children with respect for the world. Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other culture - allowing our children to become respectful, tolerant and accepting citizens.
It is important to us that our children are given the advantage of acquiring another language to help them succeed in the international workplace and expose them to enriching opportunities and experiences in our globalised world.
At Kingsfleet, teaching focuses on enabling children to make substantial progress in one language.
Children are first introduced to French in Year 3 where they receive weekly lessons led by the class teacher. This enables children to develop early language aquisition skills that facilitate their understanding of the patterns of language and how these differ from - or are similar to - English.
Staff use the Primary Language Network (September 2022 onwards) scheme of work - supplemented by Rigolo and Early Start Language - to inform their planning and ensure continuity and progression across our MFL curriculum.
Our lessons and resources help children to build on prior knowledge alongside the introduction of new skills.
French at Kingsfleet comprises of many different kinds of teaching and learning to provide our pupils with an engaging and interactive learning experience. To deliver the curriciulum effectively, staff utilise a range of resources such as iPads, flash cards, games and visual aids. We also encourage a lot of active learning through the use of games, songs, rhymes, storytelling and role-play to help bring French to life in our classrooms!
In addition to discrete French lessons, we look to exploit opportunities to bring French into the school day (e.g. answering the register, playground games, snack trolley) and into other subjects to enable children to consolidate and apply their learning.

Pupil voice:-
We get to feel like we are there. - Y3 (SL)
I like all the games we play. - Y3 (LS)
It is very interactive. - Y3 (AC)
You get to do lots of fun games. -Y3 (MC)
It is interesting and fun. -Y3 (RC)
Being able to speak French and have fun with it has been my most enjoyable thing. No changes should be made. - Y5 (IB)
My most positive memory is back in Year 3 when Tommy sand the French song and we did the French cafe. - Y6 (AG)
Year 3 French cafe was really fun. - Y6 (multiple responses)
One time, in Year 3, Tommy sand the song faster and faster until his head fell off! - Y6 (CR)
In Year 3, we had a French cafe which I learned a lot in. -Y6 (LS)

French to English / English to French translator
Early Start Online - Pupil Welcome (login using password french123)
Primary Language Network - Scan2Play: Year 3 Autumn 1; Year 3 Autumn 2; Year 4 Autumn 1; Year 4 Autumn 2; Year 5 Autumn 1; Year 5 Autumn 2
BBC KS2 French
Oak National Academy Key Stage 2 French units