Kingsfleet School Association
The KSA is a Registered Charity. Our stated purpose is to advance the education of the pupils in the school and - in furtherance of that objective - to promote co-operation between home, the school and the community and to help in any practical way recognised as charitable in the activities of the school.
Put simply, we aim to generate funds for the school, to enhance the educational provision and school environment.
Recently, for example - thanks to your support and generosity - the KSA was able to finance the installation of roller-blinds for the Year 4 and 6 classrooms, buy a large free-standing Visual Display Board, pay for a visit by the M&M Theatre Company, (who brought their fantastic production of 'The Railway Children' to the School on 23rd March) as well as contribute towards the first phase of the playground redevelopment project.
All parents and carers of our pupils are automatically members of the KSA. We really do need all the help that we can get. You don't have to make a regular time commitment - if you are able to help out for just three or four hours during the school year that would make a huge difference. Whether it's helping out on the 'tuck' stall or with supervision at the School Disco's, or making the teas and coffees at the Summer fete or Talent night - it all helps. Besides that, it's a great way to meet people. You can contact Katy Benns via the Web Team if you'd like to help or have any bright ideas!
Our AGM takes place each September, where the Committee members are elected. We arrange lots of fundraising activities throughout the school year. Just a few of the recent events include a Fitness Fun Day, Christmas Card designing, Christmas Bazaar and our Kids on the Catwalk Fashion Show and our Bounceathon. As well as these events:-
There is a termly collection of old clothing and textiles under the 'cash4schools' scheme;
all school discos are organised and run by the KSA (3 discos a year);
the KSA book Father Christmas to visit the school and the KSA pay for each of the Christmas presents he hands out to every pupil;
a chocolate egg is given to each pupil on the morning of the Bounceathon;
at the end of Sports Day the KSA give out an ice lolly to each pupil;
each year the KSA purchase new books for the school's library;
we serve refreshments at school events and help out whenever the school needs assistance (e.g. we recorded the KS1 Nativity Play).
Have you heard about easyfundraising yet? If you already shop online with retailers such as Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, Comet, iTunes, eBay or HMV, then we need you to sign up for free to raise money while you shop!

How it works
You shop directly with the retailer as you would normally, but if you sign up to for free and use the links on the easyfundraising site to take you to the retailer, then a percentage of whatever you spend comes directly to us at no extra cost to yourself. There's some terrific offers available too.
How much can you raise?
Spend £100 with M&S online and you raise £5 for us. £100 spent with Amazon raises £2.50, £100 with WH Smith puts £2.00 in our pocket and so on. There's over 2,000 retailers on their site, and some of the donations can be as much as 15% of your purchase.